Implementasi Strategi Pembelajaran Kolaboratif dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Pendidikan Agama Islam
The collaborative learning strategy in Islamic education is an approach that emphasizes interaction and cooperation among students to achieve a deeper and more holistic understanding of the subject matter. Collaborative learning focuses on forming study groups where students share knowledge, discuss religious concepts, and complete tasks together. In the context of Islamic education, this strategy is designed to enhance understanding of Islamic teachings through more active and participatory learning experiences. This study explores the effectiveness of collaborative learning strategies in strengthening students' grasp of fundamental Islamic concepts, such as faith (akidah), worship (ibadah), and ethics (akhlak), as well as improving social skills and teamwork. The findings indicate that collaborative learning can increase motivation, deepen religious understanding, and strengthen peer relationships. However, the success of this strategy heavily depends on the active role of teachers in facilitating discussions, managing group dynamics, and adapting teaching materials to meet students' needs. These findings underscore the importance of integrating collaborative methods into the Islamic education curriculum to create a more dynamic and inclusive learning environment.