Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Peningkatan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis sebagai pengembang pemahaman serta pengamalan ajaran Islam kehidupan sehari-hari
This research aims to enhance critical thinking skills in Islamic Religious Education (PAI). The study is library-based research, involving the following steps: selecting a topic, finding literature from various relevant sources, conducting source selection, evaluating sources of information, analyzing information, and writing a research report or scholarly work. The objective of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) is to instill and develop understanding and practice of Islamic teachings in daily life, encompassing spiritual, moral, and legal aspects of Islam. Education in this field starts from early childhood and continues into adulthood, covering various levels from basic to advanced education, with a focus on introducing fundamental religious concepts at the initial stages and in-depth study at advanced levels. PAI must also respond to the "Merdeka Belajar" policy by training students to think critically, enabling them to understand, develop, and apply Islamic teachings wisely. Critical thinking skills, especially among elementary school students, are essential skills that need to be developed to help students analyze and evaluate information more thoroughly before making decisions